Remove leash immediatly upon entering the dog park. Do not leave your dog on a
leash in the dog park.
To prevent spreading of disease and intestinal parasites, pick up after your dog. A PARK
Don't bring your sick dog to a dog park! (kennel
cough, fleas, mange, or other health problems)
Scoop the Poop!
If your dog digs a hole, be responsible, and fill
it back in.
Be a trooper and become a scooper. Pick it up!
If he or she can't play nicely (growling, mounting,
barking) with other dogs take him or her home.
Poo Happens, you know what to doo. Pick it up!
Don't bring your unvaccinated dog or puppy to
the park.
What's the scoop? All dogs doo. Pick it up!
Have the appropriate dog licenses, tags and permits. Make
sure that your dog has a visible dog license on his or her collar.
When doody calls make sure you answer it. Pick it up!
If your dog is in heat, leave her home.
Pay attention to your dog's business. Pick it up!
Don't leave your dog on leash once inside the dog
Become a scoop master. Pick it up!
Stick close to your dog. PAY ATTENTION.
Be a grand Poobah. Pick it up!
Don't give treats to other dogs.
Be a scooper hero! Pick it up!
Don't bring food to the dog park.
Poo Happens. Pick it up!
Leave the leash on your dog until you are safely inside the
dog park.
K-9 #2. Pick it up!
Always be aware of your dog’s body
Keep the entry way clear! Keeping the entry way clear allows the
new excited dog time to adjust to the enviroment.